I went on a trip back to the day I met some of the people who became my best friends over the years.
It is rather funny that after years of knowing someone the image of their work place disappears, and with that image the business cards disappears as well. What starts off as a name on a cards and a chance for potential work, suddenly becomes a person that shares your happiest and saddest moments. and while at some level you still realize they work at this or that company, it becomes one of the least visible facts to you ...
Then, one day, like I did, you happen to stumble across a bunch of scattered cards, and you read through.
Every cards suddenly stares you in the face demanding recognition; imploring you to remember what it stands for: possibilities of jobs, new connections, further networks.
.......... Yet, you respond with a smile, because the only thing it does remind you of in fact, is the very person behind the name.